lunes, 22 de junio de 2009


Miss, I forgot the picture

viernes, 19 de junio de 2009

Really, I have not a favourite picture, because don’t like the pictures, but if I had to choose one, I choose one where I appear with Laura. She is my pet and this picture was captured in the house of my grandmather, when I was at the school, in second grade, had sixteen years old. And laura had one year old. At that moment, Laura it was of my grandmother, but she died and now Laura lives with me.

Two years ago, I had another dog but she died. So I didn’t want have another pet, because is a lot responsibility, and my mummy doesn’t like the dogs. My grandmother searched for a doggy, saying that she wanted one, but basically it was for me. In that years , I walk with Laura, also I start to take care of her, for that reason, Laura began to be more mine than my grandmother.

This picture was captured by my mother, while I was in the bed, watching tv and laura sleeping a nap. We us very lazy.

martes, 2 de junio de 2009


My favorite piece of technology is my television.

I see almost every day television, when I wake up I turned on and to sleep I also use it as well. Some weekends, I stay all the day in my bed, seeing some movies or some interesting program. I like to see television because that relax me and sometimes I laugh. Without television I think that it would be bored stay in my bed. I think the television really works for a lot of things, if I want to relax I see a movie, if I want to find out something I can see the news, but something else I used like entertainment, I love to see some series just like “donde esta elisa”. My television was decomposed last week, so I need to call a technical support to fix it and I will be able to see again my favorite program “donde esta elisa”

jueves, 14 de mayo de 2009

about me..

Hi, my name is Constanza cubillos, but every call me Conty, in my house and my friends. Now, I estudy veterinary medicine, in the university of Chile, and I am in third year. This is my blog for my english´s class, that I want pass this year.

I live in santiago, with mi mummy and my dogs. My dogs are called Mila y laura.

That is for now. byeeeeee